But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
‭‭Joshua‬ ‭24‬:‭15‬ ‭ESV‬‬
— Holy Bible

At Modality Life Practice, we are proud to offer a safe and welcoming space for everyone including Christians to engage in physical wellness without the influence of practices that may conflict with their faith. In many yoga and Pilates studios across America, teachings about reiki, energy work chakras and other spiritual concepts are common, but we understand that not everyone aligns with or desires those practices. Our founder, Charlene, was once deeply involved in the yoga lifestyle but, after a personal conviction, made the decision to step away and dedicate herself to creating an environment where individuals could focus on physical movement and wellness where everyone is welcomed to be who they are without including spiritual practices.

At Modality, we respect and honor everyone’s right to their personal beliefs and practices. However, as a studio, we choose to serve the Lord and center our work on faith-based principles. For those who share our beliefs, or would like to learn more, we offer Pray Pilates , community donation based class every Sunday at 11AM, combining movement with prayer and scripture to nourish both the body and soul. Pray Pilates is a donation based class. Modality is a place where Christians can feel safe, free from discrimination, and supported in their faith journey while prioritizing physical health and well-being.